Stability in childhood translates into emotional balance in adulthood.

To understand the importance of stability in children's lives, it is interesting to start by clarifying these two terms: child and stability. The idea will be to understand the impact that stability or lack thereof can have on the lives of children and future adults. This impact will always exist and can be positive or negative, hence the importance of thinking about this topic. It is important to remember that the term child refers to human beings at the beginning of their development. The child is growing and therefore it is important to provide him with the ideal conditions for his social, emotional and intellectual development and for the formation of his personality, which takes place in the first years of life. Emotional stability is one of the most important skills to develop from childhood as it will have an impact on development at all levels, throughout future life.

The family and school are fundamental in this process as they are the models that the child will follow as a great reference in their life.

It is important that the relationship between family and school is continuous. In other words, school should be seen as a continuation of the home/family space rather than just another space in children's lives. Only in this way will it be possible for children to develop in a true environment of emotional stability where, through sharing and reflection between school and family, their experiences, interests and needs are understood and respected. Thus, although at school the child belongs to a group, it is important that the educator has the opportunity to get to know the individuality of each child within that group, being able to reach each one with greater success, respecting their stage of development and their needs and potential.

It is important that both at home and at school, adults are able to convey stability in routines, rules and limits appropriate to the child's age, which will result in the formation of responsible, confident and autonomous children. We often hear parents say “my child behaves so well at school and not at home”. In fact, this really happens and it is closely related to the fact that there is a daily routine at school. And when we talk about routine, we are not talking about rigid and inflexible schedules, but rather moments when the child can predict what will happen next. So, when we talk about routine we talk about stability, predictability and security.

Predictable routines, with regular eating and sleeping times, help children feel safe and comfortable. This can help them concentrate better and learn more at school. When there is a routine, the child feels safe because they know what is going to happen next: they know that they are going to tidy the room because it is story time and that they are going to wash their hands afterwards because it is time to go to lunch.

When children have a safe and predictable environment, they are able to deal with everyday situations more calmly and confidently. This predictability also makes it easier for them to organize and manage their time during their day-to-day lives.

By being able to predict what will happen, the child feels part of the routine and participates in each moment in an active and autonomous way.

Often at home it may seem more difficult to maintain some moments of the routine, but a good strategy for the child to continue to feel safe and calm even when the routine changes is to anticipate what is going to happen, verbalizing it. For example, “today we are not going to stay at home because it is the weekend, we are going for a walk and at night we will return to our house!”. With more or less details it is important to convey what is going to happen in a way that the child feels the predictability and security he needs to become a confident, secure, compliant, responsible, autonomous and organized child.

In addition to routine, as an important element of stability in a child's life, it is also important to mention the importance of the existence of rules and limits. These two are fundamental and necessary and must always be clear and well defined so that they are understood and respected by the child. That is, if today I tell the child that he cannot play with the cars on the wall and tomorrow he repeats this behavior and says nothing because that day I am tired or doing another task that makes it impossible for me to draw his attention, the child You won't understand why yesterday you couldn't do it and today you can. She will be confused, she will not understand the limits and she will test the rules and limits imposed by the adult more because she understands that these can sometimes be transgressed. Therefore, it is important that there is consistency in imposing rules and limits. An effective strategy used at school to ensure that rules are internalized by children is to create classroom rules with the group of children themselves. Deconstruct them. Understand why they are important. What happens if we don't comply with them? Re

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